Marko Rodin and my spin on the coil

Fire                the wheel

agriculture                      writing

printing         industrialization                the internet

and now …………



“Rodin has standing offers from top engineers and scientists at high-tech corporations and agencies, including Microsoft, NASA, Boeing, as well as leading university academics. They all say the same thing that their existing work has little meaning to them in light of the Rodin Solution and that what they most desire is to dedicate themselves fulltime to working on the Rodin Solution. As a result, Rodin is capable of assembling a team of the finest scientists, mathematicians, engineers and academics from the ranks of the most advanced scientific and technology companies and universities in America.” quoted from

The Rodin Coil:


All these inventions/revelations, (and of course a zillion and one others), have allowed humanity to make progress towards a world of harmony and peace. Slow progress indeed, but progress none the less. Each one of these larger interventions into human society has taken less and less time for positive changes to be made to the whole world. This last one, well, lets just say….quantum leap changes are  the potentialities here.

Rodinization is the term I use to describe the next phase of exponential progress I see for a world that starts using the information that Marko Rodin has uncovered.  From it’s humble beginnings in numerology as the name of God into a complete holographic framework of reality, Marko takes us through a resonant world of 9 numbers  into a system that explains the underpinnings of the entire physical universe.

What would the world look like if there were enough food, water, clothing, materials, and time, for everyone on the planet? Wouldn’t most of the reasons for conflict cease to exist? Using the principals that Rodin puts forth, our technology can progress astonishingly fast towards that goal. But why take my word for it? Rather, take a look at more  of this complete quote from the article here at  the InfoVault

To dispell any notions that Marko is some garage based geek, please peruse some of his accomplishments. The man knows of what he speaks.

“Marko Rodin has published, “The Quantum Mechanic State of DNA Sequencing”, in the proceedings of the International Bio-Technology Expo (IBEX), which is the largest genetic engineering conference in the world and is heavily attended by the Japanese. He was also invited to present his paper, “Low Cost Propulsion Systems Based Upon the Re-evaluation of the Physics of Matter”, at the Air Space America convention, the largest U.S. convention of its type. The Rodin Coil Antenna won a U.S. military design contest as the most powerful antenna with the greatest pickup over the longest distance and was awarded a government contract for incorporation into the nation’s first alert warning system.

Rodin has been an instructor at three of the top schools in the state of Hawai: Punahou School on Oaho, Seabury Hall on Maui and The Parker School on the Big Island, where he taught physics and junior honors math as part of his project to design new math curriculums for secondary school students.

Rodinization?  Bring it on.

4 thoughts on “Marko Rodin and my spin on the coil

  1. Dear Bryan,

    When I first discovered your blog, I thought the author was Rodin. Forgive me for my mistake. You may also enjoy our updated website; and if you are someone or know someone who is interested in a demonstration or purchase of super-efficient mechanical energy-savings devices, such as are seen on, feel free to contact me for more information.

    Thank you for your efforts to educate the public about free energy and alternative energy sources!

    Melissa Cody


  2. Thank you for your work. My husband and I also belong to the free energy community. He has been an alternative energy scientist for over 20 years; and I work as a webmaster and freelance journalist.

    We are a part of the open source community for research and development of alternative energy technologies. We recently established a forum to discuss these technologies; and your work is presented in the subforum ‘Sacred Geometry’. Already, we have several of the world’s top scientists, like anti-gravity researcher John Hutchison. We also have merged with, online university and research center in Queensland, Australia. We have designs to start a publicity campaign. If you would like to join, we welcome you:

    Thank you again for all that you do.

    By the way, did you used to live in Molokai? My husband and I were there in January; and we were told you lived 1 mile down the street from where we were visiting.

    Take care.

    Melissa Cody


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