the SHIFT of the ages

2012, Armageddon,New Age, pole reversal, galactic alignment, The Rapture, the end times, indigenous prophecy, channeled messages from Lord High Poobah, conspiracies, Extraterrestrials…..did I leave anyone out? Yeah, somethings up here on planet earth and everyone seems to have an opinion. Well, here’s mine.


YES, there is a “Great Shift” coming.


YES, there is a “pole reversal” coming.


YES, it will change the world!


YES, its as big as “they” say,

nay…….. bigger, huger, grander, more glorious.


YES, it will affect you directly


and NO, its not what you think.


Here it is in one sentence:


Humanity is shifting our “operating” system from

human/divine to divine/human.


That’s it.


A paradigm shift.


Flipping the view of the whole world that we perceive by  operating from a viewpoint of a human who is really a divine being but doesn’t remember that,


to one who does.


It’s that simple.


and that profound.


2 thoughts on “the SHIFT of the ages

    1. Dan, I don’t know you or what you’ve been through, but your comments had nothing to do with my post. Did you even read it?


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